
Documents Commands

  • Version: 1.6.1
  • Official Verified

OpenBots Command group containing OpenBots Documents commands.

OpenBots.Commands.Documents \ Submit Document Command

Command: Submit Document Command

This command submits a file for processing by creating a new Task.


File Path

Path of the file to be submitted.


Task Queue Name (Optional)

Name of the Queue that this task would be created in. If unspecified, it will be defauted to the 'Default' queue.

Task Name/Title

Name or Title of the task to be created.


Description (Optional)

Description of the task for Reviewers or other downstream processing.

Case Number (Optional)

A case number for reference.

Case Type (Optional)

A case type for reference.

Assign To User (Optional)

Name of the user to assign the task.

Task Due Date (Optional)

Due Date for the Task.

Output TaskId Guid Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Output Document Status Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Private (Optional)

Optional field to mark the command as private (data sensitive) in order to avoid its logging.

Error Handling

Optional field for how to handle errors encountered.


Comment Field (Optional)

Optional field to enter a custom comment which could potentially describe this command or the need for this command, if required.
